We will see you at Intersolar Europe 2024

June 19-21, 2024 ,Messe München

Booth C4.179

Celsos is the technology for the inspection and diagnosis of photovoltaic installations based on the depth of analysis given by electroluminescence images, the efficiency in data capture through drones and the possibilities of artificial intelligence for the identification and massive classification of defects and pathologies present in PV modules.

Why performing an electrominescence inspection?

Quality control

Asset Management
(O & M)

Assets Valuation
(End of life)

QC/QA post installation.

Double check electroluminesecence on manufacturing line.

Plants with underperformance.

Damage assessment valid for claims to ensurance Company, contractors,etc.

Predictive maintenace.

Due Diligence.



solutions on site.

Celsos allows the execution of large Electroluminescence inspections. In deed complete PV plants can be inspected in a reasonable time and cost. CELSOS aproach is unique and a new era of knowledge and optimization is within easy reach in your solar plant.

solutions on site.

Next generation InGaAs sensors capture high definition images even in adverse outdoors conditions. Celsos image treatment and AI software comprehensively identify and clasify the defect patterns according to their nature and severity. DC losses are inferred and root causes can be addressed.

solutions on site.

No matter whether de PV plant lays on the ground or rooftop, utility scale size or C&I. Celsos understands the needs of your PV plant and deploys a tunned field inspection campaign. The data analysis is customized to fit your needs, for instance: acceptance/rejection criteria given by contract with manufacturers. Finally, all the relevant information is displayed, custom reports are also possibe.

Next generation
solutions on site.

Authonomous drones, state-of-the-art sensors, customized biasing devices, convolutional neural networks, interactive platform and improved working procedures, all enriched with Celsos team experience make up an unprecedent value proposition.

A complete system based on an innovative technology.

Large, fastest and
accurate inspection.

Complete system composed of Hardware, controlling Software and working procedures optimized and exclusively dedicated to obtaining EL images in the field, the fastest and most accurate way at the lowest operational cost.

Celsos innovative

CELSOS SOFTWARE is the fundamental value of CELSOS. It treasures the knowledge in PV TECHNOLOGY accumulated over the last 15 years for the identification of defects in PV modules. Its operation is based on the pre-treatment of videos/images and the subsequent application of AI algorithms. CELSOS ANALITICAL SOFTWARE learns and improves steadily from the images of the executed projects.


Visualization platform in which the client may access the inspection results of their PV Plants. It allows monitoring the degradation of the modules over time and overlap new layers of information.

Custom reports are generated automatically

“Electroluminescence screening in the beginning of a PV plant’s lifetime is a concept that en­ sures the quality of cell material during constructions and gives the security to all stakeholders that, at the handover, the plant’s power generating surface is not only operational but of flaw­ less quality.”

━ Report IEA-PVPS T13-25:2022. International Energy Agency.